After a fail attempt to upgrade my Hackintosh to latest Sonoma, I decided to give Manjaro a try. And see my self how long I can stick with that as a daily system. The one single fact I choose Manjaro over other distros is the AUR which makes finding and installing software like a breeze.
Prepare installation USB stick
Download the latest Manjaro ISO from here. I am using the latest version of Manjaro KDE Plasma.
In Windows, use Rufus to create a bootable USB stick.
In macOS, just use dd
to create a bootable USB stick.
diskutil list # find the disk number, let's say it's /dev/disk4
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk4
sudo dd if=/path/to/manjaro.iso of=/dev/disk4 bs=4M status=progress && sync
And that’s it, you can now boot from the USB stick.
Install essential packages
First thing first, every Manjaro user must have yay
sudo pacman -Sy yay base-devel
By default, when makepkg builds an AUR package, compression is enabled. After building, the package needs to be decompressed again for installation. This is unnecessary (and slow for large packages) if it’s only for personal use on one’s own machine. To set up package building without compression:
sudo sed -i "s/PKGEXT='.pkg.tar.xz'/PKGEXT='.pkg.tar'/g" /etc/makepkg.conf
Install my daily applications, your mileage may vary.
yay -S google-chrome cursor-bin 1password notion-app-electron notion-calendar-electron figma-linux feishu-bin zoom spotify thunderbird-beta-bin git-extras
And I use between Warp and Ghostty as my terminal, both are great.
Switch to zsh
and install oh-my-zsh
chsh -s /bin/zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Fcitx5 with RIME
sudo pacman -S fcitx5 fcitx5-qt fcitx5-gtk fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-configtool fcitx5-rime
Add following into /etc/environment
You can double check if the environment variables are set correctly by running export|grep -E "IM|XMODIFIERS"
Add Rime as input method in fcitx5-configtool
Clone the repo to configure Rime to use WuSong Pinyin (雾凇拼音):
git clone
cp -r rime-ice/* ~/.local/share/fcitx5/rime
And use some nicer theme:
yay -S fcitx5-skin-fluentdark-git
And set the theme in Input Method > Configure addons > Classic User Interface > Theme
Development environment
Install nvm
and Node.js LTS:
yay -S nvm
nvm install --lts
Install pnpm
and yarn
yay -S yarn-pnpm-corepack
corepack prepare --activate yarn@1 pnpm@latest
Small tweaks
- If you are using HiDPI, Zoom might not scale properly. You can fix it by setting
. - Uncheck
Settings > Power Management > Energy Savings > Dim screen
to prevent screen dimming when you are back from idle. - I am using a couple of Logitech devices, Solaar is a must-have device manager.
Know issues
- My set up is two monitors all with DP, there is a known issue that the primary monitor will not wake up after sleep. I have to unplug and plug it back to make it work.